It's a kind of long story, but the bottom line of today is that some people I know aren't kitten worthy. On a bright note, my friend who had heart surgery did well, and another friend and I are planning to go see her on Wednesday.
That is all.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Well. I tried to give this man a chance, thinking that he surely couldn't be too bad or So And So wouldn't be with him. And it's just your mind playing tricks on you and are you that egocentric that you really think he's looking at your breasts? Those little things? Last night I ran into him and he started asking me about school and I was so uncomfortable that I crossed one arm over myself and put the other up to my chin to pretend pick at my face. I don't even think it's about me, really. I think he just DOES that when he's talking to a woman or he wouldn't be so comfortable doing it. It makes me want to do something obscene, like touching one of them with my middle finger while he's "sneaking" a peek. Or violent, like putting a knitting needle through one of his eyes.
Monday, June 4, 2012
The Strange World of the Internet
Confession: I have the somewhat unhealthy habit of checking Facebook most mornings while I drink my coffee. I say it's unhealthy because I know my time might be better spent simply sitting on the front porch, or reading a book, or...but I still do it. This morning, one of my friends had this long statement on privacy on there, with the warning that if people didn't re-post it at least once they were basically just allowing people to use their content and having NO PRIVACY. I posted back that I think we knowingly give up some of our privacy just by signing up and posting content, but I seem to be an oddball for thinking this. My stance is that it's the freaking internet and if you want privacy, don't post about private things. Is that weird? Am I expecting too little privacy? I don't know.
In the knitting world, I'm making some lace dishcloths for my cousin's house warming party that's this weekend. My mom and I are putting a gift basket together with those, some other kitchen items, and probably a candle. Candles just make a house feel warm. I'm also working to finish up a sweater that I started a few months ago. I fell in love with the pattern, bought the yarn, and knit feverishly on it until I got to the sleeves. There is just something about a sleeve that makes me feel like time has slowed to a crawl. I feel guilty for not finishing it and wearing it. The yarn is a wonderful superwash merino that deserves better.
In the education world, I have to do a pacing guide for 7th grade grammar and writing by the 15th of this month. This is seriously going to cut into my knitting and internet sacrificing of privacy (Facebook) time. Also, I need to do some work in our school's library because I never finished a book project I started. I decided to apply clear shipping tape to the new paperback books to hopefully extend their shelf life, but still have about 20 left to do. Busy, busy, busy.
In the education world, I have to do a pacing guide for 7th grade grammar and writing by the 15th of this month. This is seriously going to cut into my knitting and internet sacrificing of privacy (Facebook) time. Also, I need to do some work in our school's library because I never finished a book project I started. I decided to apply clear shipping tape to the new paperback books to hopefully extend their shelf life, but still have about 20 left to do. Busy, busy, busy.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
On Soakers and School
I haven't blogged in a while, and I think it's just because I haven't really had much going on. Today I'm excited because I made some wool diaper covers for a friend's baby shower a while back, and she has been using them and likes them. And she wants me to make her some more! She said all she could find that is similar are wool pants, and those aren't the same. I'm happy about this because they are handmade and useful, and if we ever have a baby and use cloth diapers, I know I'll be able to make some effective soakers.
Pretty soon I'll have time to knit a lot more, because we only have two weeks of school left. This has been a bittersweet year. First, I have been really happy with some of the progress my students have made. There is one student in particular who had a lot of behavior problems (mainly disrespect and arguing) last year who has made tremendous improvements with her attitude over the course of this year. Last year, her behavior issues kept her out of class a good bit, but this year she was able to keep it together and she made a 4 on her writing assessment! I am so proud of her, and I know she's proud of herself because she showed her score to every staff member she passed on the way out the day she received it. So far, no one has earned less than a 3, so I'm happy. I feel like that the students who got 3's did their best, so I'm okay with those numbers.
Now on a not so happy note, we are losing four assistants next year. At our school, there are typically two adults per classroom-one certified teacher and one assistant. The assistants are very important because they help with one on one attention during the time students practice their work, they respond to codes (crisis behavior problems), and they help with discipline issues we need to take care of but could not effectively on our own, like taking kids to the gym if they are being too disruptive to remain in class. We're losing four people due to special ed budget cuts. Of all the places to cut funding, special ed? Really?
The four who are leaving are going to positions elsewhere in the county that are funded differently. I'm happy that they'll still have jobs, and I know we'll pull together and get whatever we need doing done, but it will be so much more difficult. One time I told a student that most things worth doing aren't easy. I guess I'll have to tell myself that often next year.
Pretty soon I'll have time to knit a lot more, because we only have two weeks of school left. This has been a bittersweet year. First, I have been really happy with some of the progress my students have made. There is one student in particular who had a lot of behavior problems (mainly disrespect and arguing) last year who has made tremendous improvements with her attitude over the course of this year. Last year, her behavior issues kept her out of class a good bit, but this year she was able to keep it together and she made a 4 on her writing assessment! I am so proud of her, and I know she's proud of herself because she showed her score to every staff member she passed on the way out the day she received it. So far, no one has earned less than a 3, so I'm happy. I feel like that the students who got 3's did their best, so I'm okay with those numbers.
Now on a not so happy note, we are losing four assistants next year. At our school, there are typically two adults per classroom-one certified teacher and one assistant. The assistants are very important because they help with one on one attention during the time students practice their work, they respond to codes (crisis behavior problems), and they help with discipline issues we need to take care of but could not effectively on our own, like taking kids to the gym if they are being too disruptive to remain in class. We're losing four people due to special ed budget cuts. Of all the places to cut funding, special ed? Really?
The four who are leaving are going to positions elsewhere in the county that are funded differently. I'm happy that they'll still have jobs, and I know we'll pull together and get whatever we need doing done, but it will be so much more difficult. One time I told a student that most things worth doing aren't easy. I guess I'll have to tell myself that often next year.
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