Sunday, November 7, 2010

My inner being today

Sometimes I just get in a foul mood. Today was one of those times, and most of it centered around the apartment. Clutter really influences how I feel, even though I know I shouldn't let it. When I moved in with Nathan, I thought we'd have more space than we really do, plus the rod in the closet has been broken for a couple of weeks, plus laundry had piled up, plus my vac's belt almost melted this morning. . .and so it goes. Nathan tried so hard to lighten my mood, and I tried not to direct any of my toxic aura at him. I hope I did okay on that end. He helped me clean the bathroom and fold clothes, and that was sweet of him. Right now it's only seven by the new time, and I wish it were eight because then I could just go on to bed. I might anyhow, actually, and try to be in a brighter mood tomorrow.

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