Thursday, July 7, 2011


I can't decide to be happy or offended. There was this guy with the hood of his truck up in the Kroger parking lot, really close to where I parked. When I came out, he was still there, so I asked him what the matter was with his truck. He didn't look young really. Maybe early twenties. He had tattoos, so that makes him at least eighteen, probably. He told me that if he drives it for more than an hour it overheats, but is fine. Thank you, ma'am. So the guy has good manners, which I like. But ma'am? Granted I was wearing a (somewhat matronly) dress, but I don't think I have ma'am status from people who are probably not that far behind me in age. Now, I should be happy because a week ago I was bitching about people thinking that because I'm young I am incompetent, so that's what I'll go with. I realize I can't have it both ways. I am happy he has good manners and added the ma'am.


  1. I think it is just a sign of respect and good upbringing to have such politeness.

  2. I know what you mean! When that first happened outside the classroom (which was sort of hard to get used to at first), it caught me by surprise. Feels strange, but he was brought up to be polite, which is nice.
