Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Very Good Sign Indeed

I'm not overly superstitious, but I do like to read into things. On Saturday I went to school to work on lesson plans, and my cousin called to see if I was going to be headed to my mom's soon because they were about to leave. I hadn't seen her in a while, so I left school and went to my mom's. I was going to visit with her anyhow when my planning for the week was done, and I didn't mind putting it off a while longer anyhow. I got there in about ten minutes, and we hung out on the back porch since the weather was nice. While we were talking about the subject of my wedding, my mom suggested that I try on her wedding dress, because she's like for me to wear it!

Now, this is a HUGE shift from her attitude toward my previous marriage. I can't see her offering the dress as anything except a good sign toward this union. I am so very excited to say that her dress did fit, and if the cleaners can get out a few rust stains from the hanger, I will be wearing it during the wedding ceremony.

My in real life friends know that I have been hand knitting a wedding dress to wear, and I have decided to finish it so that I can wear it at the reception. So all that knitting is not thrown out of the occasion.

Oh, and I did go back to school today to finish my lesson plans. I feel prepared for the week ahead, and that's always a good thing too.


  1. That does sound like a very positive omen.

  2. I hope so. Did you read into things like that before you and your wife got married?

  3. Sounds like a very good sign! :-) Good planning about the dresses.
