Sunday, July 25, 2010


This is the only thing I can knit recently. It's a top down cardigan that has no seams, and is basically just stockinette after the increases at the top. I'm holding it together because it'll have a button there and will fit properly. People say to beware of patterns involving a model tugging at the piece or sitting all twisted funny because it means the piece doesn't fit right somehow. This one will when it's done because my friend Frances did a class on finding your measurements and gauge and general sweater magic. It requires little thought at this point, which is what I need in a knitting project right now. I have awful knitting ADD and several projects in progress. I have a list of things I want to get done by Christmas, and I would be working on them, but I am on a bad knitting spree. I'm going to blame the full moon. I was working on a little shawl, but I made a mistake in it somewhere. I'm not going to take it out because of how many stitches are involved, plus it's for me and I'm okay with some imperfections. The shawl mistake was followed by a hat oops.

Yesterday, I was working on Nathan's Cobra Commander hat, and goofed on the color change somehow and ended up with black where I should have put red. I have to take out about an inch of it to get back on the right track, even though he assured me he would still like it if I just kept knitting. I'm going to fix it tomorrow at the yarn shop because I'm not very good at undoing and repairing, and there's always a better knitter there who is willing to help. So, today I'm just going to work on my cardigan and read some. I also have to do the typical Sunday stuff like grocery shopping and laundry to get ready for the week. We have in service this week, and then school begins, so I have to get back to a somewhat regular routine again.

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